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Off to a flying start

Well. What a summer. We officially launched Tiger Flights earlier this year and we can safely say we've had the best summer ever. Apart from the weather. Obviously.

A blue and brown biplane flying over green fields and blue sea in the distance

Having set up base at Eshott Airfield with Gemsy, we were so excited to welcome our first customers. To be honest, I'm not sure who was more excited, them or us!

The Tiger Flights family quickly expanded when Annie (G-ANEZ) came to join us. To be the custodians of such important pieces of aviation history is an absolute honour.

We know how lucky we are that we get to fly Gemsy and Annie regularly and we'll never take it for granted. But for us, it always has been and always will be about giving our customers the best experience possible.

Don't get us wrong, we're not perfect and we've learned a lot in a very short space of time, but we're having an absolute blast giving people the aviation experience of a lifetime.

We're currently measuring success by how much people are grinning when they get out the aircraft after their flight. We've had everything from utterly speechless and breathless to "I want one. Will you part exchange for an Aston Martin?" as initial reactions.

But we definitely wouldn't have gotten so far in such a short space of time without the help of family, friends, well-wishers and you, our awesome customers.

So thank you if you've given us your time, expertise or ideas, if you've liked or shared our posts on social media or if you've put up with us incessantly talking about the weather (it could definitely be an Olympic sport you know including: which weather app uploads the quickest, wind-sock watching, cloud height predicting and how-fast-can-you-get-the-planes-back-in-the hangar-when-it-starts-raining races).

If you've flown with us already - thank you. You know you are part of the Tiger Flights family now and we can't wait to welcome you back.

If you haven't flown with us yet - why the heck not?! Get booking and we'll see you soon.

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