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on the left there is a brown and blue vintage aeroplane and to the right is a red and silver vintage aeroplane

Formation Introductory Flight Experiences

Take to the skies with our formation introductory flight experience in Gemsy and Annie.


This thrilling aerial adventure will give you the unique opportunity to soar over Northumberland, Gemsy and Annie flying alongside each other.


Not only will you experience the thrill of open cockpit flying, but you’ll go on an unforgettable adventure in a way that few ever get to experience.


Our experienced pilots will ensure your safety giving you the freedom to truly enjoy this unique journey with a friend or loved one.

30 minutes: £499

45 minutes: £799

60 minutes: £999


a brown and blue bi-plane in front of a red a silver bi-plane


Celebrate a big birthday in a way you'll never forget.  An introductory flight is an amazing birthday gift, but with our formation flights, you'll fly alongside another vintage World War II plane, making memories that will last a lifetime. 

looking down on the top of a red and silver plane and brown and blue plane on on green grass from above.


Take your anniversary celebration to new heights. Our formation introductory flight is just the ticket. In this exhilarating experience, you and your partner will fly in tandem in our stunning Tiger Moths for an anniversary like no other.

A brown and blue bi-plane flying above green fields.

Special Occasions

The ultimate just-for-fun activity. Experience the sensation of being part of a real formation flight. Whether you're a seasoned aviation enthusiast or an adventurer looking for something different, this is one to tick off your bucket list.

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